Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Blindsight is 20/20

It's everything and nothing you always avoided and wanted to be.
It's ingrown flowers blooming deadly, hiding your eyes so you can see.
It's breaking ground and stopping production on all these beautiful terrors.
It's clouding out and shining light on a perfect God's great error.

It's the time it took to leave and stay for all eternity.
It's time to show the bastard your rights to paternity.
It's laser-guided capability that can't find a fucking thing.
It's a slashed throat bleeding everywhere, and stopping just to sing.

It's the breathtaking artwork of archane machinery making you vomit on the beach.
It's the softest touch ripping off your hand; it's yourself that's out of reach.
It's the way they fell when they stood tall, selling you out for their ideals.
It's the way you're numb all day long, and no one else knows how it feels.

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