Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Wish Called Cotton

All I know is that it smelled like sin,
and I'd kill & bleed just to get in,
and it made me sweat and swear and pull out my hair,
and it was more painful than fiction and it was absolute addiction,
and she stayed there and looked like that all alone,
and I could barely contain the need for new flesh & bone,
and we waited and waited and we were never sated,
and everyday longer it was more complicated,
and every time they came I tried to laugh it off,
and never could I keep it to a whisper and a cough,
and every single strand & every single drop
made me feel more like a fool and more like a prop,
and every pretty smile drove me a little more insane,
and in every waking moment I fell more in love with the pain.

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